Cinzia Quadri

Welcome to my art… my world…

I combine classical and modern traditions in unique works, representing the past and the present.

Art that reveals the soul Cinzia Quadri, a multifaceted artist of great talent, artist, painter, ceramist.

The origin of the name HindsightArt

Union of tradition and modernity.

This “technique” has been with me all my life. As a child, while I was chatting on the phone, I would run my hand over a sheet of paper with a pen, creating these “whims” as creations of moments of unconscious inspiration, which express hidden emotions through its free symbolism. Later I tried to transform these “whims” into interconnected images, even words, poems, songs.

Over time, thanks to the inspiration of a friend of mine (Carlo Ninivaggi), we coined the name Hindsight for this personal style of mine. We chose this word because it can be seen from different angles.

The origin of the name HindsightArt

Hind literally means posterior in Italian, so uinta a sight, which means view, becomes vista posteriori: seeing something from behind, that is, seeing things not as they appear to us, but observing them by turning around and seeing from there, from the opposite angle. Also in spoken language, it translates as “hindsight”, meaning an awareness of something after having studied it, tried it, absorbed it.

Letter from Carlo

“It’s perfect for your work, in my opinion” (says Carlo!) “you know, your technique is getting closer and closer, painting after painting, to what I’ve always imagined of it.

A perception of a figure, immediately, as soon as you look at the painting, and then, as the seconds pass and your eyes move in the drawing, you perceive many other details, which you hadn’t noticed before.

And then, after minutes and minutes of observation, other details, even more important and fundamental, emerge to the gaze and finally make you understand the meaning of the painting, as if your painting had been deposited in layers, and it is necessary to discard with the eyes each layer in succession, before arriving at the general meaning. Like the detective collects the individual clues before grasping the whole crime in general. Like, in front of a wonderful natural panorama, first you grasp the suggestive details, and then you open your pupils to the whole, to the 180-degree vision, to the harmonious and breathtaking spectacle.

This is why I thought that Hindight was the most appropriate term for your technique, it is a term that is difficult to translate, but which in my opinion perfectly expresses that need to look at your paintings once, once again, many other times, before capturing lines and traces that could not be seen before.

“Seeing backwards” (literally “retrospective”), understanding not immediately but only afterwards, being directed to use sight not for what it is made of (capturing everything in an instant), but in an unusual way, that is, capturing in small steps, and arriving at the correct vision only after a series of many small glimpses. You are a master, let me say, and you have been able to find a way to use the spectator’s eyes in a new way, as incredibly no one had thought of doing.”

Carlo Ninivaggi, 2009

HindsightArt di Cinzia Quadri

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